ファーム - Be Easy Farms

クラフトビール工房「Be Easy Brewing」とタップルーム「ギャレスのアジト」のオープンから1年。私は、もっと実りある仕事がしたい、環境にやさしいことができないかと考えはじめました。そこで、ビールの味を決めるホップも、タップルームで提供する野菜も、自分たちの手で作りたいと、「Be Easy Farms」で、野菜作りをスタートさせたのです。

将来は、ホップの種類や量をもっと増やし、井戸も掘って、地球にやさしい「Be Easy Farms」を目指します。

With our brewery and taproom established, our next major step is to become as environmentally friendly and as self sufficient as we can.  Our farm is used for dumping our spent grain, where it becomes an organic fertilizer for the crops that we grow.  We use no chemicals and no fertilizers besides the malt from brewing.  Last year was our first attempt and we were able to grow hundreds of kilograms of vegetables for use by our taproom kitchen.

This process not only grants us some of the freshest and cleanest vegetables available, but also reduces our carbon footprint.  Instead of buying vegetables that have possibly been shipped in from all over the world, we can take our truck the short ten minute drive to our farm and harvest from there. This is our second year at farming and we plan on growing and harvesting more than we can use.  We will try to always have some fresh, chemical free organic produce available for next to nothing in our taproom.

We also have American cascade hops growing on our farm.  We use these in our annual fresh hop beer that we brew.  In the future we hope to add a few other varieties as well.